Great Online Dating Profiles

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Amazing Online Dating Profile Examples For Women

Here is a funny online dating profile example for men that really works: #1: “Humorous, Over-The-Top” Profile for Tinder And if you really want to rise above the competition, try a Tinder. #2: “You Want Some of This?” Profile for Tinder Want to boost your match rate on Tinder even more? . The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+., eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer free. VIDA’s team of dating experts has been writing dating profiles (and handling everything else, too) for guys just like you since 2009, and we use all kinds of metrics to track the success of our profiles. Our data shows the most successful online dating profiles are 70% about you, 30% about her. If you want to find my online dating profile examples for women then you can skip right to the blue text! These online dating profiles example are designed to attract men. Including elements we’ve already covered, let’s take a quick look at what goes into a great dating profile: A great profile photo A memorable username A catchy headline.

You may already know that it’s important to have a great profile photo and a catchy headline. But there are a few other elements that can make a change in how people view you. Some of these elements seem obvious, while others may take you by surprise. Did you know that having a memorable username increases the chance that people will look at your profile? The username on a dating profile is similar to any other social media website. An easy-to-remember handle makes draws more attention than one with a bunch of numbers or underscores. This is one of many things you may not have thought about.

When you’re trying to put together your profile, it’s common to draw a blank. Most people find it challenging to talk about themselves or advertise their qualities. Of course, a dating profile is basically a dating resume. You want to appeal to potential dates. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for something casual or something long-term, your dating profile is the first step.

So as the UK’s leading Dating Expert, I’ve decided to write a Megapost all about online dating for women. If you want to find my online dating profile examples for women then you can skip right to the blue text! These online dating profiles example are designed to attract men.

Including elements we’ve already covered, let’s take a quick look at what goes into a great dating profile:

A great profile photo
A memorable username
A catchy headline
A detailed profile

Profile Photos

Your profile photo is likely to be the first impression you make. When someone is scrolling or swiping through potential matches, they tend to look at the photo first. This means your profile photo should be alluring. Do you know what makes an alluring photo? A smiling face. Typically, people will look at the eyes, then the facial features of someone before any other part of their body. If you really want to attract someone, do it with your eyes and a great smile.

Here are a few other tips on choosing photos that I’ve use with other online dating profile examples for women

Ensure your lighting is bright enough to create a clear image
Limit the brightness exposure and potential lighting glares
Take pictures with an open background, creating the focus on you
Do not use pictures that show more than one person
Action shots (particularly ones that include a personal hobby or interest) are great, if done right
Motion blur, pixelation, and a lack of focus can all lead to a negative impression

Choosing A Headline

Unlike a photo, your headline doesn’t have to be perfectly crafted. You don’t have to spend hours putting thought into what you’re going to say. You can use the headline to summarize who you are in one line. This method is similar to a sales pitch. Alternatively, you can use the space of a headline to write a one-liner about the person you’re hoping to meet. It may feel hard to cram your ideal date into a single line, but do the best you can.

Headlines should always be flirty in nature. If you’re the clever type, combine that with flirtatious for a double hit. Whether you’re pitching yourself or trying to attract someone, showing your personality is a great way to succeed.

“Life is one long adventure.”

“Londoner, lover of nature, laughter,”

“Looking for someone to bulk stock canned goods with during Coronavirus”

“Left handed redhead with a passion for music,”

Profile Content

Of course, there is no element more important than a good profile. Many people will continue scrolling/swiping if a profile is unappealing. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to craft a standard profile. Since your profile aims to highlight who you are and what you love, it should be a unique experience. Still, there are a few traits that everyone can agree are a turn-off: I’ve included a few terrible online dating profile examples for women – just to make sure you don’t use them!

No content
Too little content
Generic/cliche content (the typical “I like movies, music, travelling, and my dog” profile)

“I love spending time with family and friends and I’m equally happy with a quiet night at home as I am on a wild night out”

Big blocks of text
Poor grammar


“No one night stands thanks!!! No carer situations, sorry done that. No crying into beer about old flames..and definitely no vegetarians!”

Boring/flat (see: Helpful Hint below)

So, how do you create the perfect dating profile? As cheesy as it may sound, the answer is to be yourself. There is nothing better for attracting a potential partner than putting everything out there. Of course, you have to do this with tact. You’re not going to write that your ex broke your heart 5 years ago and you’re still harboring pain because your father left when you were young. These are not the details to share. The details you want to share are surface-level. What do you love more than anything? What could you spend the rest of your life doing? What is a typical day like for you? This kind of information will help to share who you are. It will also help to attract someone who is looking for you.

My favourite online dating profile examples for women:

Short and sweet

“So this is me. I’m a happy, fun loving girl with a good sense of humour and a generous spirit!”

Be Creative

” I’d love to meet someone who is young at heart and is up for random adventures, home and away, but also ready for something longer term if we click. Someone who takes their career seriously but doesn’t let it rule their life – works to live rather than lives to work – so that there’s time left for fun. And is not overly materialistic – I’m afraid I’ve never understood the allure of expensive cars for instance, and would rather spend money on new experiences. Someone who’s kind, honest, genuine and thinks of others first”

Use Humour

“I get sunburnt in minutes to the extent that I once spent a year with a white tan-line anchor “tattoo” on my arm after an incident involving dragon boat racing and face paint.”

Use lists/bullets

“I love warmth, wit and intellect..stimulating conversation, spontaneous decadence, travel and discovery, adventuring and exploring, cooking with friends and family, cuddling up with a curry and a great film, a good excuse to don heels and a cocktail dress, driving fast down country roads whilst listening to Carmen, restoring old pieces of furniture, David Bowie, great (mostly classic) literature and poetry, delectable food, yoga, health and fitness, fresh coffee and croissants (I eat healthily but don’t deprive myself of life’s luxuries…I’m too much of a bon viveur!), French food markets in the sunshine, open fires, swimming in lakes, conversations that take me to unexpected places, laughing till my stomach hurts..”


“And some of the things I’d almost certainly do within a year given the chance to get out of the flat! – are arrange a skiing trip and a camping weekend with friends, stave off decline with exercise that entertains in some way (and avoid the gym), have afternoons in the Cheese Cave, nose around art galleries, spend time with family, do the crossword with coffee and a croissant on a weekend morning, end up doing karaoke on a friend’s birthday, go on a picnic to Regents park rose garden, and hole up in old wood panelled pubs for long lunches.”

Share a strange fact about yourself

“I’m no gourmet chef but I find cooking therapeutic – and definitely best done for a group of friends coming round for a meal. I once got taught how to cook a mean risotto by Gordon Ramsay.”

Use searchable-words (based off a hobby or passion)

“I’m a creative and entertaining person who loves the arts, especially theatre, galleries and cinema, and I like to make the most of weekends. I enjoy exploring the countryside and the seaside and mooching round interesting places”


“I’d love to travel and explore more, with someone who enjoys sunshine, culture, and discovering amazing tavernas down cobbled backstreets.”


Talk about the type of man you’d like to meet:

“Looking for a kind, loyal and empathetic gentleman is take on the world with! Possibly a hopeless romantic but life is too short! I’m a bit of an old soul and looking to find someone I resonate with.”


“Ultimately I am looking for someone to build a life with, to share the highs and the lows. To be a team. I want someone to hang out with, chat with, laugh with and go on big and small adventures with.”

Ask a question (give them something to break the ice)

“Would like to caption photos – suggestions welcome! “


“Where would you like to visit next?”

Always end with a Call to Action

“If these little snippets about me have piqued your interest… do get in touch”


“I’m better face to face. Drop me a message and let’s have a drink!”

Helpful hint:

Did you know every dating profile has a “tone”? For example, if you’re a hopeless romantic, you’re likely to talk about long walks on the beach. If you’re the adventurous type, you’ll mention traveling to new places. If you’re self-deprecating, there’s likely to be a bit of dark humor thrown into your profile. The tone of your profile says a lot about who you are. Hopefully you can use my online dating profile examples for women to create your own tone.

Remember: The goal of your profile is to leave them wanting more, which means they will be more likely to message you.


It can’t be said enough that being authentic really matters. One of the traits that other people look for is finding a real person. If you come across as fake or flat, you’re unlikely to find a match. Of course, the only thing you really need to do is be yourself. By thinking outside the box, you’ll show a potential match what you’re really like.

It doesn’t hurt to flaunt your feathers, just don’t get them rustled. Remember: There is no “right” or “wrong” way to write a dating profile. These online dating profile examples for women are purely guidelines. Don’t copy them -use your imagination and have fun!

Use your peers (ask a friend, family member or co-worker to look at your profile and give their suggestions. Or hire me as your online dating coach and you’ll soon be meeting lots of great men!

Dating Coach and Dating Expert at The Dating Guru
James Preece is the Dating Guru.
He is the UK's leading Dating Coach and Relationship Expert, helping 1000s find love each year.

Online Dating Profile Examples for Women

In this article you will learn how to transform your profile writing into writing that will attract the highest quality men online

Great Online Dating Profiles Examples

By NEM Founder, Joshua Pompey

It’s easy to attract any man online. But attracting the highest quality men? That is a whole different story. With the highest quality men online receiving multiple emails each day, it is absolutely essential to create a profile that stands out from the competition and sparks immediate interest.

The truth is, I’ve been reading profiles for close to a decade, and most women tend to make very similar mistakes that could easily be avoided by following the correct profile writing advice. Today I am going to highlight some of these mistakes by taking some poorly written online dating profile examples, and transforming them into profiles that quality men will be extremely attracted to. Let’s begin, shall we?


The Cliche Online Dating Profile Example

“I currently work in marketing for Disney and love my job.”

So what exactly is wrong with the above statement? For starters, it is a cliche statement that will blend in with the next 100 profiles. If you want to get noticed online, you have to stand out from the competition and catch a man’s attention.

Secondly, it is a wasted opportunity. Whatever you write in your profile should always be used to highlight your best qualities. Unfortunately, this reveals very little about the writer and what she is all about. Let’s re-write the example above into a profile that will make a quality man take notice…

The New and Improved Online Dating Profile Example

Old: “I currently work in marketing for Disney and love my job.”

New: “Most people love the idea of going to Disney World and unleashing their inner child. I just so happen to live that dream every day as a Disney Marketing Consultant. It may not be fun and games all the time, but between incredible people I work with and the unique nature of each day, I sure can’t complain. And hey, free Disney tickets sure don’t hurt either! Care to join me?”

In the revised profile example, the profile writer is no longer just an online dating cliche. Her personality shines through, she stands out from the competition, and she reveals many attractive personality traits in ways that feel natural, not forced.

Free online dating profile

The “needy and negative energy” profile example

“I need a guy who can make me laugh, wants to try new things, doesn’t cause drama, and has goals in life. If you don’t have a steady job and are not in my desired age range, I’m sorry but please move on to the next profile.”

Great Online Dating Profile Templates

There is nothing wrong with wanting (or not wanting) the qualities listed above. But the manner in which this profile is written will send all the wrong signals. This profile example comes across as needy, negative, and creates the impression that the profile writer may have had bad experiences with online dating in the past.

In addition, you will never scare off the men you don’t want by declaring all the qualities you are hoping to avoid. Most of these men aren’t even reading your profile anyway or simply don’t care. But you will scare off the all good guys out there by giving off negative energy.

The New and Improved Profile Example:

New: “If you are driven, down to earth, and love to try new things, we may just be one email away from hitting it off. If you can keep me laughing on top of that, maybe we should just start planning the second date now? :)”

This revised example is more or less sending the same overall message, that she wants someone who can make her laugh, has goals, etc., but it does so in a way that is unique, playful, slightly flirtatious, and fun. Overall, the tone sounds extremely positive. These are all qualities that men are attracted to. With online dating, proper word choice and phrasing make all the difference in the world.

Want some risk-free professional help?

Just imagine the difference in your results if every single word of your profile had the same attention to detail as the online dating profile examples above. This is exactly what our experts have specialized in for almost a decade.

Examples Of Great Online Dating Profiles

My profile writing staff at JoshuaPompey.Com (The profile writing portion of our company) has been helping women to attract quality men online at a success rate of over 99% since 2009. All profiles comes with a full refund guarantee, unlimited revisions, and a lifetime photo review. Click here to learn more about our risk-free profile writing service

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Sample Dating Profiles For Women

What To Say In A Dating Profile
